In this course, you learn to heal yourself and others by working with the energy of the Akashic records (The Book of Life), using “The Power of Conscious Connected Breathing” and “The Power of The Intention & Words” to rescript your life.

This practitioner course was created and designed by Maria Leonard. Through channelling and integrating her experience of various healing modalities comes this life-transforming tool to train individuals who are seeking to activate and increase their intuitive abilities, heal deep-rooted life patterns, be in touch with their gifts and sacred power, receive guidance from ascended masters and angels, and to be of service to humanity and planet earth in truth, love, and light.
This is NOT a traditional coaching course. This is NOT Reiki or any other energy healing course. This is NOT hypnosis or NLP. This is NOT card reading or a Tarot card course.

Life Scripting level 1 is to connect you to the four principles of breath, energy, intuition, and words and to shift a person’s mindset for the better, heal stuck energies in the body and aura, understand deeper roots of what’s causing blocks, issues, patterns in a person’s life, how to connect the analytical mind and intuitive mind to tailor-make an effective transformational session for oneself and a client. This is beyond anything you will ever experience. This is the only modality that connects spirituality and science, breath and energy, mindset transformation and intuition, and takes you closer and stronger to your life purpose on earth. Your spiritual connection and esoteric understanding of life will naturally guide you toward unresolved issues and make you live life fully .


In this 16-hour course, you learn to heal yourself and others by knowing
In this course, you learn to heal yourself and others by knowing
  • How to work with the energy of the Akashic records, i.e.The Book of Life, How to heal the subconscious mind of lifetime beliefs, DNA, and cellular memory
  • How to use “The Power of Conscious Connected Breathing” to increase your energy level and raise your vibration and heal the body from ailments
  • How to use “The Power of The Intention & Word” to rescript your life to manifest your now and future
  • How to become more intuitive to receive guidance and assistance from your Higher-Self, Ascended Masters, Archangels/Angels, and Spirit Guides


  1. What is the Akashic Records and how to connect with it
  2. Know the energetic chambers in the Akashic field and the functions of each chamber (the healing room, the masters of the round table, and the akashic library)
  3. Learn to use connected breathing to increase the oxygen rate in your body, heal faster, and release cellular memory
  4. Increase your intuitive abilities
  5. Cleanse your physical, emotional, and mental body
  6. Practice sessions with other participants
  7. What are your higher self/soul and 13 energy bodies
  8. Learn to do energy downloads in the energy body for healing and increasing vibrations
  9. The power of intention and word and how to use it with yourself and clients to rescript their life
  10. Practice the 13 chakra healing
  11. Breathing to release the stubborn addictive thoughts
  12. Developing intuition guidance received from higher self and guides.


  • 16 hours of live training with the facilitator
  • You are provided with the Life Scripting level 1 Akashic Records Manual hard copy + Healing music specifically created for life scripters to use during each session + 13 chakra healing meditation audio
  • You receive a certificate of completion after attending 16 hours of training
  • You receive your practitioner certificate training level 1 after completing the written Test + 10 experimental sessions (given to a minimum of 5 people) reports within 6 months from the training end date.
  • Life Scripting is a trademark and is a registered LLC, and all materials are copyrighted. No practitioner is allowed to teach or use the materials for their own gain or benefit. After receiving your practitioner certificate, you are qualified to give only one-to-one sessions, and you will be listed on the practitioner page on Lifescripting.app
  • Life Scripting is IPHM Certified & KHDA Approved for UAE & International Clients
  • Practices during the training are NOT part of the 10 complete experimental sessions
  • It is recommended that you have at least 5 LS sessions with the facilitator after completing your training to assist you on your self-mastery journey.
  • Level 1 is a prerequisite for level 2 - Breath & Beyond, and level 3 - Self-Mastery training. You can do the masterclasses of kundalini and crystal grid and space clearing practitioner in addition.
  • As a life scripter, you receive discounts for retreats and priority in any service Maria Leonard Yahyeyan provides, subject to availability.

The uniqueness of Life Scripting is that you can combine the four principles to enhance your wellbeing and achieve self-mastery or use them separately and integrate them whenever necessary.
Through each principle - the power of breath, energy, intuition, and words, you are working holistically on your mind, body, energy, and soul.

You gain confidence and knowledge in understanding yourself better and how you show up in the world. You discover and upgrade your talents, gifts, and purpose on mother earth. You no longer feel restricted or a victim of your past and genetics. Whatever it is you wish to achieve and strive in is possible. You have the right tools to make them happen with Life Scripting. Whether you are willing to expand your spiritual understanding of life or consciously manifest your heart’s desire, Life Scripting opens the path for you.

Instead of managing unhealthy emotions and thoughts, you get to eliminate them to live a healthy, abundant, and joyful life.