This Ancient Chinese Art is still used in many cultures and traditions. It helps you balance the energies of your living space and bring in healthy ‘chi’ or energy.
If you believe you lead a hectic and busy lifestyle, feel stuck in life, sense discomfort with the energy around you, and/or are an empath, then this training is for you.
By the end of this training, you will know how to use the right cleansing and manifesting tools.
You will build your confidence, expand your knowledge of energy and sacred geometry, and learn how to cleanse the energy of any space effectively.
The simple yet effective techniques are easy to apply and show immediate results.
The training provides you with the following:
1. The Purification methods with the 5 elements
2. The Art of Geomancy and Feng Shui basics
3. The Power of Energy for cleansing, protecting and consecrating
4. The Power of Words for manifestation and creating harmony